Here you can access the publications resulting so far from the AURORA project, with access to the individual articles: Peer reviewed publications S. Ceccherini, B. Carli, C. Tirelli, N. Zoppetti, S. Del Bianco, U. Cortesi, J. Kujanpää, and R. Dragani, Importance of interpolation and coincidence [...]
The deadline for the Call for Ideas has been extended (30 November 2018)! Download the updated Terms of Reference in the Application Packs below. The AURORA Call for Ideas is designed to engage European students in the debate about the use of satellite data to address today’s societal challenges. [...]
The air quality monitoring Sentinel-5P satellite is set for launch from Russia on 13 October at 09:27 GMT (11:27 CEST). Follow the launch via live webstream. AURORA partners have been involved in this historic moment. The Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB) takes part in the [...]
The development, optimisation and testing of innovative data fusion algorithms constitute a pivotal segment of the scientific effort of the AURORA project, both in terms of background knowledge, as well as a major prompt to the synergistic exploitation of information associated to multiple [...]
The huge amount of satellite data that will be available thanks to the European satellite SENTINEL missions will help to provide ever more accurate information related to safe-sun exposure. The Earth’s atmosphere blocks most of the Sun’s UV radiation from penetrating through the atmosphere. The [...]
The European satellites Sentinel 4 and 5 missions will help us to monitor air quality. AURORA is particularly interested in Tropspheric Ozone as one on the most important short-lived greenhouse gases (GHG). Tropospheric ozone is highly variable and strong oxidant. This means that it directly [...]
On the 3rd of November, a workshop will be held in Florence to discuss Innovation in Meteorology 50 years after the flood of November 1966. CNR, Regione Toscana, Consorzio Lamma and various representatives of Public Institutions and Research Centres (including ECMWF) will present and discuss the [...]
Updates on the AURORA project outputs and relevant support material will be provided here. We are just getting started, so watch this space for updates as the project progresses! During the three years of project implementation, you can expect to find scientific and technological results relating [...]
The S-5P, S-4 and S-5 instruments aboard the Copernicus atmospheric Sentinel missions can be exploited to monitor the profile of ozone concentration in the Earth’s atmosphere with unprecedented accuracy and timeliness. As the most important radiatively active gas in the stratosphere and [...]
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