AURORA partners are busy getting ready for the 5th AURORA Progress Meeting. The city of Delft will welcome them all on the 24th and 25th of July, in the premises of our partner S[&]T.
We might not have time to visit the Nieuwe Kerk or the Oude Kerk, but between a post-meeting walk around the canals and a saunter through Markt square we will have plenty of time to talk about how the project is going. The busy two-day agenda will let partners discuss each other’s work on Data fusion, assimilation and forecasting, Data acquisition and storage, Data access and Data validation.
It’s an exciting time for satellite data – Sentinel 5P is already providing amazing results. AURORA partners are right there part of the present and future of this phenomenon. Watch this space for meeting results!
Photo by Edi Simetzberger on Unsplash